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Daily devotion is the time that I take to spend with God, dedicated to relating with God. Typically, people associate daily devotions, with reading their Bible, doing a Bible study, or reading a devotional book. It is always accompanied by a time of prayer. For some, this dedicated time is quiet time, with prayer. Some also include musical worship. This connection with God is IMPORTANT. This is part of how we strengthen our connection with God. 


I am sharing my devotions.  Please share what you you think. If any of them "speak" to you, please let me know.  If you have any questions about any of them, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.  I welcome any and all feedback.  We are all here to help each other grow.

Catch The Fire
have you not heard
what do you believe
Gods Healing Grace
stepping out on faith
You Are Redeemed
Do You Know Your Worth?
Where Is Your Tent?
Celebrate The God In You
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